When I meet with my clients for the first time they share a few concerns

Can Yoga get me out of pain?

Yoga will hurt me more

It hurts too much to move

I’m not flexible enough for yoga

Yoga is for women

I don’t have time for this

I tried Yoga once. I didn’t like it

Yoga is just stretching

All of these are natural and healthy responses to the yoga industry. Yoga has claimed to do a lot since is emergence into the forefront of the public eye in the last decade. As yoga emerged it adopted a strategy of “I’m the teacher and you will listen because I know”. Ultimately, this model doesn’t help you. You are here because you have a problem that needs to be solved, and guess what? You have the power to find the solution. You can learn how to feel easy in your own body. You can learn the signals your body is sending you to so that you don’t cross the pain threshold. You can find the time to care for yourself. You can enjoy a new sense of vitality that comes from not having to struggle with your body. All of this is possible. Healing is possible.

In the first 15 minutes of my session with Austin he identified subtle tendencies in my body that limited my movement and balance. During the rest of the session he helped me recognize them in an eye opening way.
— Cameron Hobbs

My name is Austin Chason and for the last three years I’ve used yoga to help my clients get out of pain, curtail addictions, makes some sweet gym gainz, run better, and live easier lives. I’m currently enrolled in a C-IAYT Yoga Therapy Certification program with Susi Hately at Functional Synergy. I also work closely with the doctors at Duke Chiropractic helping patients there manage their pain.

With the yoga work, I have not had any surprise aggravation of my lower back. I believe the yoga work is strengthening my body and improving my movements.
— Corinne Sanders
I wanted direction on how to move painlessly. With Austin I have been able to focus on the movements of my body but mostly on strengthening and improving my hips
— Liz Sato