Book now and receive 5 classes for the price of 4!

Save $75 dollars by booking now! Book 4 sessions with me and get the 5th session free! The results my clients get come from sustained effort. I am confident that I can get you to feel better after one session. If you want lasting results, that is where the work comes in, we are training you how to read your body.  So book now and take steps towards your health. 

It’s time for you to get out of pain and back into living your life


Book your 5-session package for the price of 4 now and receive:

  • 5 60-minute sessions

  •  Text support between appointments to support you, motivate you, and keep you on track. 

  • A customized routine to help you get out of pain faster

  • Temporary access to all my seasonal group classes ( digestive resets, meditation courses etc)