Most of my clients wouldn’t consider themselves “yogi’s”. They come from all backgrounds. Some are runners, gyms rats, frat bros, nuns, gig workers, and 9-5 suits. Despite those differences they all share one thing: they want to get out of pain and get back to living their life.
If living a life free of pain interests you, I want to help. I fundamentally believe that healing is possible. Your aches and pains are your body's way of getting your attention. When we point out the relationship between parts of your body and get you to move functionally, pain, more often than not, disappears.
After working with me my clients feel a connection to their body that allows them to adjust what they’re doing before a pain threshold is crossed. This gives them confidence to take back their lives and get them on track to achieving their goals.
My approach works well for people who have never done yoga before. It is rooted in simple movements that increase in complexity as you progress. Take note that this process only works if you do the work. I am here to facilitate your healing process not do it for you. There are plenty of other yoga teachers who will take your money and give you your “yoga medicine”. I’m here to help you get results. If that interests you there are two ways of working with me currently.
I offer semi private classes online. A group of no more than 6 will meet weekly for a month and you and I will meet for a half an hour separately to address your specific needs. This is ideal for those who have minor aches and pains, are gearing up to start a more rigorous exercise regime, and people who want to feel a little better in their body.
I also offer private sessions. This can be done online, in my studio, or in your home. This is ideal for those who are dealing with more complicated medical issues such as chronic pain, recovery from surgery or pre-operative relief. I’ve had the most success with people who have “tried everything” even traditional yoga classes. This can be done in tandem with physical therapy and by following the recommendations of your healthcare provider.
Reach out to me below to set up a free consultation call